The Path to One

Funding our new humanity

A prospect for crowdfunding? Funding our new humanity! Funded by people for people – a business angel ignited me to think big today, if I had $50mio, what would I do. My answer; Becoming human centric for human impact. To build a global conscious mentor network of leaders, entrepreneurs and innovators and other conscious people, […]

*********The star

*********The star Practice (effect): Your focus on what brings LOVE to Your Self, and being with others are needed to bring you to LOVE fully. Actually our body, mind and soul really want to be aligned towards the soul’s desire, so when you start using these tools you will see positive changes in all areas. […]

********The star

********The star People (cause): Which PEOPLE do I want to attract in my life – with whom AM I going to have sustainable relationships, contributing, thus creating the results based on my Path, Purpose, and Planet. A very important part of our life is about relationships with others in different form like spouses, friends, kids, […]

*******The star

*******The star Purpose (cause): What purpose AM I trying to fulfill? We all have a Purpose on our Path, what we need to play out while on Earth, but again we are not always aware, so try to ask yourself in deepest possible reflection, in silence 21 times – WHAT AM I HERE FOR? Write […]

******The star

******The star How? As described it’s a process getting to the fulfillment of your TRUE SELF – the inner Heart STAR is always guiding you. The outer Heart STAR gives your own practical translation of what you need to clarify, experience, learn in order to progress. On your present stage of consciousness, the outer Heart […]

*****The star

*****The star There is direct correlation between pain, suffering and resistance. Suffering = Pain * Resistance No resistance, means No suffering. Instead of resisting, start wondering of the amazing things happening to you out of your comfort zone. Just remember, that whatever happens might have a scientific explanation – but always has a spiritual one. […]

****The star

****The star Spirit (clarifying if its needed to raise to that level to understand the hidden message – finding the real cause from the soul on the divine level). Start by really listening to your Body (message from Divine to Practical level) understanding that ease, unease as well as pain or sufferings are all your […]

***The star

***The star Cleaning up any negative influences or blockages with the Violet flame – setting the new amended direction with the Heart STAR. Integration and creation is needed to impact from a more "pure" core of love, through compassion choosing peace. The powers in play are your Soul, Spirit, Heart, Mind and Body – totally […]

** The star

**The Star All toxic thoughts and actions gone – our mind, body and soul are consciously resistant to any influences that might take us in the wrong direction of who we are – as we are continuous balancing our energy and vibrations to the situations at hand. We are meeting other souls on our way, […]

The star – bring us to next level of love

*The star – bring us to Next level of Love Why? Our journey so far, has taken us to the new level of consciousness. As we continue to Listen and Open, we reach for further experiences, steps and stages in the spiral of conscious evolution. We continue until we reach the highest human stage of […]