The Path to One

Daily peace message # 11

Daily peace message # 11 When fear of something occurs – face it, avoid nothing and walk through it – break down the fences to love that heals all ~ Jan B Frederiksen

Daily peace message # 10

Its not about living your dream its about being your dream. It start with being – then living – then having – you only get what you are. ~ Jan B Frederiksen

Daily peace message # 9

When your mind, body and soul is at peace focused from your heart in the same direction – expect all miracles to come your way – as you have arrived to take part in your role of serving the highest good. ~ Jan B Frederiksen

Daily peace message #8

Living consciously means live in the now – embrace it, accept it fully, share it generously – live from love in peace.

Daily peace message #5

Daily peace message #5 When something dont go as planned, just surrender, jump to gratitude and know better is coming

Daily peace message #6

Daily peace message #6 Every contrast in your life shows up to help you remember who you really are – which is pure love from the deepest peace.

Daily peace message #7

Daily peace message #7 If your flow of life are stopped in misery and suffering – that cannot be shifted with ease, start thinking in past lives experiences. Doing past life regression may shift it – so you can flow again.

Daily peace message #4

Daily peace message #4 Breathing consciously takes you from un-ease to ease. Do it diligently and it takes you to now. Your body is your guidance system listen to it. This is taking care of you. Eat when you are hungry, drink water when thirsty, sleep when you are tired, play when you are bored…. […]

Daily peace msg. #1

Daily peace message Your inner peace is the first step to your total freedom

Daily peace message

To get to inner peace – going within is key It is as easy as Conscious breathing, stopping and listening to your own intuition. Trust……. Be okay with everything, accepting all This creates freedom within, allowing peace without