The Path to One

daily peace #30

Daily peace #30 The stargate to peace and love is open to all anytime – but today the download will be more intense and only a choice away Receive from your deepest source of consciousness in the now, at peace in you. Live in love

daily peace #29

Daily peace # 29 The biggest change in life – is the choice of changing your perception of life. Nothing will ever be the same. ~ live in love

daily peace #28

Daily peace # 28 I woke up in freedom And dont need to see Cause all is in place For me to be When ever I move Its done with ease Now comes the time The moment to seize ~ with love Jan

daily peace #27

Everything we experience is meant for a message to grow – start listening. Be aware. See You in it from a observers point of view. Live in love

daily peace #26

Daily peace #26 When you see all irritation from outside you – remember its a mirror of inside you – walk it out in nature – accept it and take responsibility for your irritation – noone else but yourself suffer from it. ~with love Jan

daily peace #25

Daily peace #25 When holocouster and hurricanes keep spinning you around – find your inner sweetspot, your heartspace, your “eye of peace” – breath, stay and wait until you see and feel the spinning go into slower spins – even better wait untill they totally stop. ~ with love Jan B Frederiksen

daily peace #24

Daily peace #24 Nothing is as it seems to be. Noone have the whole thruth. Learn to let your heart lead you – as thats the closest you are to your truth. Let everything else go – live in the now. ~ with love Jan

daily peace #23

Daily peace #23 S.T.O.P (silence to open power) Silence yourself – stop seeing, listening, hearing – start feeling what goes on in you – OPEN in the now. Be present through the STOP – checkin with your Self, and let your higher POWER guide you. With love Jan B Frederiksen

Daily peace # 19

Daily peace # 19 Unconditional love and acceptance of You – being you from the inside truth – and not the outside judgment – helps you to serve your purpose here. Focus yourself on the inner You, remembering YOU fully, repeating throughtout your daily doings I AM I AM LOVE I AM PEACE I AM […]

Daily peace # 20

Daily peace # 20 Acknowledge differences “Being” different is good, its your divine gift and right Be different and accept the difference in all beings – this is your freedom and the gift – to yourself and to others – no more boxes (karma) only choose to be different – that all us good – […]