The Path to One

Why? – Why not?

Some men see things as they are and say Why? I dream and see things that never were and say Why not?

Pecae and fire

Let peace in your heart bring fire of love to the world

Calling lightworkers

Dear lightworkers out there Good luck with your work today You must know that all ascended masters are with us in this colossal project and support helps and guides everything in their power – that is easy for us to just follow the now and let us guide – and if we are in doubt […]

To grow – listen

Everything you experience is meant for a message to grow – start listening. Be aware. See You in it from your own observers point of view. Live in love

Peace inside

Peace inside gives peace outside – everything else is illusion

A journey.

A journey. Remembering the past in order to know how to act in the present. Unconscious memories surfacing. The continuity of time.

My beloved

“Change me Divine Beloved into One who fully trusts Your flow. Grant me faith, patience and peace of mind in EVERY way. Take me over and guide me to the right actions each moment. I am Yours, You are mine, We are One, All is Well.”

a path to peace

A so well described path to peace in our inner and outer. Thank you. 11th September 2013: Venus in Scorpio Storm in a Rose Garden Today Venus enters Scorpio where she remains until 7th October (GMT). As she does so the heavens present two possibilities and it is up to us to choose where we […]

Peace or War

War is not an option. Today at 9Pm everywhere, lets gather in a macrocosmic wave of healing, activating your merkabah of compassion,we can stop this senseless war. I call upon lightworkers and World Servers to link their intentions of Peace, healing, light and love to shift the present situation. Humanity Healing community will be working […]


May peace come to all that want it. May preace prevail on Earth and in the Universe. May humanity feel and experience peace at last. Live in love