The Path to One

A message of love to humanity

Calling for my brothers and sisters everywhere <3 Your skin might be black, brown, red, yellow or white – or just pure light You live in Americas, Africas, Europe, AsiaPacifics or Antarktis or even in the stars and on the moon Your opinion about life and your experiences might be different than mine Your belief […]

Apply for New Leadership/radical transformation retreats in Bali – Jan/Feb 2016

New Leadership/Radical Transformation retreats in Bali – the Island of the Gods – 12 days for 12 english speaking participants on VIP/Executive/Manager level per group – expected from Jan 22-Feb 3 2016. Please send your personal application latest Sept. 30-2015 to Jan B Frederiksen at – and you will be messaged on email about skype call […]

Free your SELF

In my souls longing i cry out to God set her free for her, me and us to be your adepts in service and to set people free. First we free ourselves before we can free others.

Inner peace

When you allow all to be as it is and unfold as it is meant to be – by trusting your inner heart star – peace is yours to experience.


I can sing the song of freedom I can feel the feeling of joy I can see the people dancing I can hear the life employ I can smell the smell of flowers I can taste the lips of my love I can sense the heaven inside me I can cherish space where I fly […]


Your life and relationsships are a reflection of your own self-love – so look at your self, know yourself, love and accept your self, be yourself in love – and in your life and all around you will change.

Daily peace #41 Bondage

Daily peace #41 How long will you keep your true self bonded in the physical by fear and materialism, instead of love and abundance?

Soul and beliefs

Are you and your soul following the same direction? Do you listen to your souls yearn? Are your soul running your life or is it your old beliefsystem from fear and limitations programmed into you? Live in love