The Path to One

Love Walkers

Love walkers <3 You do not see us You do not hear us You may feel us If you listen carefully within We share love from our heart We care for the people in need We make our life simple We share our love while we walk We walk anywhere We share our love from […]

Credo of a powerful peacemaker

I Sense that each and one of us have the ability to make a unique difference in today’s troubled world, and by making that difference you can help yourself as well as others to create more happiness. I envisage you raising your sights above your own ego, so that everything you do is for the […]

Feelings, energy and truth in a spiritual journey

Feelings, energy and truth in a spiritual journey perspective 1 Emotions. feelings become emotions that we can recall later for good or bad. Growing means handling emotions in the right way (accept and let it go) – but also to purify your physical and feeling blockings in body from old emotions so the energy influx […]

Status quo, expectation and experience

Status quo, expectation and experience To keep status quo you have to stop the Earth spin in the Universe with the mind – alone To change your experience you just have to change your expectation (that its not possible to live status quo when everything else changes in every second) in your mind Live in […]

A dream – magic skills

A dream – lots of us has special magic skills and gifts to serve ourself and others meeting in big gatherings presenting our skills to serve each other – in a old setting where our cloth are very old and its very cold. Then in our big old house step by step we are changing […]

all happens for a reason

All happens for a reason – for us to grow or go. Surrender to Gods rule, obey and live simply the life everyday filled with love to He who holds and carries you all the way. His messages are to grow our awareness that all that matters in the end is Him and You. When […]

Life and Death – equally important as a new form,

Life and Death – equally important as a new form, a new beginning – another way to get to Him. In His embrace all we need to do, is to accept all circumstances as we are immortal beings that go through different form of living – even death is alive. One long process to bring […]

New World – Earth – Man

New world – new Earth – new Man Accepting Gods challenge means accepting every moment as a new life in His service. No limiting beliefs or systems including my own ego and others are allowed to stop my mission No emotional pain should bring me down on my knees No physical pain should stop me […]

Status quo, expectation and experience

To keep status quo you have to stop the Earth spin in the Universe with the mind – alone To change your experience you just have to change your expectation (that its not possible to live status quo when everything else changes in every second) in your mind Live in love <3 Jan B Frederiksen […]

Self-hate and self-love – on same coin

Jesus said; let the one through the first stone – that has never sinned. That was in a situation where a mob had gathered around a woman – a prostitute, to stone her to death. A mob that felt they had the right and the obligation to condemn another persons actions and intentions. I dont […]