The Path to One

Keep the peace

A precept from another share of status from Jesus. Be calm and persistant. <3 Encouragement is needed because trust has been betrayed so frequently in the past, and so all you Light bearers, Light holders, and wayshowers continue to be a most essential part of the awakening process. When arms are laid down the opposing […]

Oneness NOW – giving Hope

Oneness NOW – giving HOPE. My prayer today goes out to reach all of humanity and all of Mother Earth; all living animals and plants, the minerals, men, woman and children of all colours, races, religions and nations, and our universe of all. The world as we see it will never be the same anymore, […]

Love Walkers – sessions

Free “One” love walkers sessions / love beyond words / live in love (virtual or/and on site) – unleashing your inner soul purpose and power of love to become your creative You in life – free ‘live in love’ ebook – free counseling in fb community after sessions – individual or groups of max. 12 […]

Releasing HOPE prayer

Releasing HOPE prayer My prayer today goes out to reach men, woman and children everywhere that might be in difficult situations, from daily abuse to extreme violence, physically, mentally or emotionally due to any bad relationship, believe, war, cultural, community or religious misguidance, giving HOPE – and release. I pray with HOPE, that they keep […]

Daily rain and Thunder

Daily Rain and Thunder <3 Afternoon crash of Thunder Waking all from their dreamy life Pouring rain giving music of nature Inside me comes a new sensation A love so deep, so tense, so full A salute to God for all so clear The way it seems – enjoy in awe go in to grasp […]

Walking in love through Him

With every word His love goes out To reach so deep in the human cloud That still resist and cannot see The love that is in You and Me From words we are and shall become The Ones from whom His love perform In every way we walk through Him In light so bright from […]

Blessing of peace

A seldom peace is flushing over me to feel His presence. A sensing of something that never were before. A readiness to serve where and when He calls. A gratefullness and humbleness deep in me rises to the surface in all my cells to the skin. A road is opening for me to walk with […]

Prayer of Hope

Hope prayer My prayer today goes out to reach men, woman and children everywhere that might be in difficult situations, from daily abuse to extreme violence, physically, mentally or emotionally due to any bad relationship, believe, war, cultural, community or religious misguidance. I pray, that they keep their faith and hope that God is near […]

Heal your Life

Heal your Life <3 My prayer and blessings go out in His honour today to reach all that need to “see to believe” and dont trust “Believe is to See”. God sent us Jesus for us to see all was unconditional love and all was possible if we are believing and diligent in our practise. […]

join us – walk with us

Love Walkers – please join us on our group I am amazed by all your likes and messages the last days, and really hope to see us work together for love, oneness and serving the needy around us from unconditional love. Thanks for joining The star to peace group – from where We send most […]