The Path to One

Restore divine order

Restoring Divine order Dear Brothers and Sisters in light n love, Some of you may have noticed the intensity of the energies the last months which will continue in the time forward. I am guided through my intuitive knowing to write and share what I have shared from our deepest heart of love from God, […]

Heart Walkers – for ONE LOVE

Heart Walkers – for ONE LOVE <3 We welcome you to this open group, which is a group that shares own experiences of; How to live a life in love as One, pushing us forward towards One Planet, One humanity, One Love As a member please see if our manifesto resonates in you, and read […]

Face everything, avoid NOTHING

Face everything, avoid NOTHING my experience is my experience – and my learnings are a reflection of my perceptions and experiences – noone can have the same, but we can share and see we are not alone – however lets be aware that pain is the roadsign’s from our soul, advicing another way, and we […]

The meaning of LOVE

The meaning of LOVE Do we need love? You already are it! Do we see love? You already feel it! Do we think love? God already gave it! Embrace God’s love for you and us, feel it, sense it, touch it, be it. Nomatter who you are – its always inside you, because God created […]


Dear GOD – we are ONE LOVE <3 (Thank you for taking care of us Your way – all the way home) May Your Love reach us all. May Your guidance be clear to all. May we all be blessed by Your presence in our hearts and our hearts in Yours. May Your divine plan […]

From 3D > 5D

Introducing New Practice <5D> A radical change of Mind-s Leadership and Execution Why do you and we need it? Fundamentally innovative thinking is required to tackle the many unpredictable tectonic shifts in the basic paradigms of doing business, meeting the challenges of persistent disruption – in our marketplace, technology along with and our natural resources. […]

Feel God

Be Silent (a deep touch) Feel with me <3 Can you stop your voice? Can you stop your mind from scattering? Can you let all noise be gone? Can you let your feelings from your deep heart come forward? Can you touch the sensation? Can you feel the silence? Can you touch it? Let the […]

My journey to God

My journey Through my journey in this life I have learned so much in both Happiness and pain But nothing has touched me so much as to experience God’s love Through His guidance to Myself From a controlling and arrogant unconscious materialistic selfdeceiver – To an open and vulnarable conscious selfloving – ONE God believer […]

Stop exploitment NOW

STOP Exploitment – NOW heal your Self – inside out Telling the story of our times is not an easy task – so using pictures says it better. Most of us will react to this picture with pity to the little child and agression to the western looking guy. Who is the little child? Who […]