The Path to One

Oneness Love

Oneness Love <3 <3 <3 Come join your brothers and Sisters in this global ONE Love event on Sundays at 9pm your time/place – showering our world with unconditional love from our deepest heart. A sensitivity so deep is filling me up from cell to cell, from top to toe, sensing a place beyond […]


Wonder Do you wonder? Do you wonder why all that you were before is no more? Do you wonder why the day tomorrow might be the same as today? Do you wonder why it seems like time is frozen? Do you wonder who God really is? Do you wonder how the next income will come? […]

Conscious living

Conscious living <3 What we see in the world is a manifestation of the fear, ego or belief in our self. When we accept ourselves fully without judgment of good or bad, but just that it is a part of all of us, given the circumstances, we can start to observe our self, our thoughts, […]


Be LOVE <3 (free ebook to share from) Every end has a new beginning – we are at a complete change of paradigm – and a cleanup of everything else than love – demanding a lot of us inside <3 – keep an eye on your friends and relatives which are all our brothers and […]

A viable project Kind regards Jan B Frederiksen Skype Janbfrederiksen

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Happy Easter Weekend <3 and thank you for receiving and sharing ONE Love <3 We invite you to join our Sunday Love tsunami wave in about from New Zealand to Hawaii, Sunday 9pm your time/place spreading our deepest love around the Earth in all time zones. Please gather with friends […]

So in order to get peace in the world, one must have peace inside

So in order to get peace in the world, one must have peace withing in themselves. The only way to do this is to accept yourself fully, all of you. Everything in your life has happend for a reason to make you into the person you are today, so just by total acceptance, you can […]

Journey stages (unknown author)

Journey stages (unknown author) 1. You suddenly feel like you have jumped off a cliff with no net, with strong feelings of no sense of place and nothing to hold onto. This is an indication that you have made a separation from older and denser energies that are now residing where you are not. This […]

Unleash Your power of unlimited and unconditional

Unleash Your power of unlimited and unconditional LOVE <3 Join our weekly events In gratefulness and humility <3 I repeat my prayer again from the other day – realizing that my channeling from Jesus on January 4th. 2016 was an invitation for me and others as a servant of God’s Love. “Lead people to […]


Its ENOUGH Unveil the truth – awaking the masses or just the ones with eyes to see, ears to hear, heart to feel? Anyway – humanity has been deceived for thousands of years – and now is the time for all Truth to be revealed – not for revenge, but for a radical change of […]