The Path to One

Unleash Peace – NOW Heal inside – prayer

My prayers go to people in all war areas world-wide.

It touches my heart as a human being – as it concerns us all – no matter where we are.

May the souls and people affected by this, feel God’s peace and love.


LOVE is the ONLY answer.

I feel with the people, as well as I feel deeply about the wounds on our ONE human body, mind and soul and Mother Earth, that is created through war or war-like actions between humans, resulting in unnessesary suffering.

Attacks on humans by humans is an attack on humanity itself, and as such a disgrace, nomatter the reason – economic, resources, religious etc.

Unfortunately this is not the first time and will not be the last, as long as we the people “hide” our head in the ground, and avoid to see, what is really happening around us, to us and in us.

Many wars and attacks are hoax attacks – with real casualties to keep us in hate to the “others”, and so that the war lords can continue to get money from the governments (your money), and become richer and more powerful – pushing for the next war or episode for selling more weapon, that kills your daughters and sons, even your whole family, creating more orphans, and that just to make someone get more power and money, and so on.

Its the very consequences of our way of life for centuries.

We are responsible. We let it happen. We let the war lords continue their wars against humanity, creating imaginary “enemies” so that they can be more powerful.

The many crises that are affecting our world so intensively, whether it is earthquake, flood, tsunami, economic recession, terrorism, wars, poverty, is a crisis of our own doing and a result of our civilizations collective thinking, the last many years.

Existing value systems are fortunately under pressure from forces, we dont know much about, as it is a fight against our inner unconscious self.

Some say that success is the worst enemy of new success – because all the values and systems held dear – has to be broken down.
The fact is that our existing value systems in most of the world now are a direct threat to our future living – and the world, we pass on to our kids and next generations.

We must reinvent our belief and perceptions, about what makes us able to survive better in this new era and evolution of humanity, by being more aware and to increase our consciousness of who we are, what we think and do and why we still demand to hold on to the old habits and values, letting it happen.

WHY NOT seeing our self as ONE humanity – that is sick of ego, war and hatred, and just want love, peace and unity.

LOVE is the ONLY answer.

We have to change from inside out this time onwards, as only through awareness and higher consciousness – we are One with the universe.

Start healing yourself (in body, mind, soul), all of us and mother Earth today –
just by breathing consciously – seeking your inner peace and you will soon see and feel a major change in you – with positive consequences for all of us.

A new dawn (paradigm) is on us from above and inside us – all connected in LOVE – a LOVE for all

A love not only for the few that has chosen one way, but for all that are ready to open their heart to the ONE God in ONE, for ONE, clearing the path inside out, without hesitation – through God’s Love and forgiveness, we are all ONE.

One God, One heart, One LOVE

You are receiving my unconditional love from my open heart of hearts <3

I pray for you – where ever you are, especially the children – all over the world <3 ;

God’s love awaits You

As you are loved fully

Open your heart and
let Gods love come in
to fill your soul so
you can find your Self and
Who you really are.

Through the Love
you re-create yourself
in life, work and Service
for God and humanity.

Be ready to lose yourself to find
Your Self and give your
Service to all in a
Conscious life with
fulfillment of your Soul
in grace and happiness.

And so it is.

Live in ONE love <3

Amen, InshaAllah, Namaste, OM Ware Guru <3

Kind regards
Jan B Frederiksen

Skype Janbfrederiksen